When I first started this project, I really didn't know what I was researching. The name "Social Bookmarking," is pretty self explanatory. I assumed "Social" means you can interact and comment with other people over the web. I assumed the Bookmarking part had to do with marking sites so you don't forget them. After viewing a few different articles on what it is, I understand why it is becoming popular.
Social Bookmarking is the practice of saving bookmarks to a public website and the ability to tag them with keywords. Basically, it is "bookmarking" a site publically, so it is easily accessed by anyone. Social Bookmarking is done on a social bookmarking site such as digg.com or delicious.com where you can save articles into your favorites on that site. For example, a professor at a university wants to show an article to his students. He saves it to his Digg account, where it can then be accessed from anywhere. If the professor had saved it to the bookmarks on his own computer, he would not have been able to access it from another computer. One of the main reasons why people social bookmark is because of the social aspect of it. On Digg.com, people can interact with other people based on the articles they've bookmarked. Therefore, you can talk to someone who likes reading the same things as you.
I personally don't social bookmark (..yet) and feel like it changing the way the internet is used. As the internet changes, more and more things are relating to "social." The internet is making things faster and easier, and its also allowing you to interact with people with similar interests. Social Bookmarking makes things saving URLs easy, while making it fun at the same time. Doing this research made me realize how much easier life is getting. It is getting to the point where we don't even need email anymore. Social Bookmarking can be very similar to Social Networking becuase you're instantly connecting with people from all over the world. After looking through multiple social bookmarking sites, Digg was definitley my favorite because it showed the "most popular" articles of the day. It knows this because people "digg" the articles they like. It shows what is popular right now. I like how social bookmarking is so instant and easy. It makes life a tad bit easier...
This google document is a presentation I did in class. If you want to find out more on social bookmarking, this powerpoint sums it up to make it easier to understand. It also shows (the very few) downsides to social bookmarking. My research page shows very detailed research on the topic and also has our cited sources.
Picture (top right corner)
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