After doing this project, I learned so many new things. When I first started this project, I was very pro-newspaper and didn't really have a reason for it. I think I was pro-newspaper because I don't really like change. As I tried standing up for newspapers, I was unaware of the internet's capabilities.
The biggest learning point for me was realizing that we don't need the newspaper. Yes, many jobs would be lost, but is that really the point? I was so stuck on saving newspapers that I didn't even realize that the internet offered so much more.
I also learned that this whole issue's outcome is based on what the people do and what the people want. Some people want a paper in their hands and others want to browse the internet for news. The newspapers will still be around if people still by them or they will be gone if people choose to use the internet.
At first, I thought that newspapers were completely over... until I read an article about the history of the newspapers. I came across a section about how the newspaper can make alterations based on its competition. If newspapers survived radio and television, maybe they can survive the internet. The only thing is that the internet has many more features over those types of recieving media. The future of newspapers isn't a predictable as I thought it was.
I think this was a very long project (and a little painful the last few days) but it was on I topic I actually liked. I want to be a journalist, but if I can't, I will definitley go into english. I'm happy about the way I did my project and I hope the class learned something new from this topic.