A part of this project was to read blogs about our topics. I was thinking of using the Media Decoder again, but I had already referred to it in a previous blog entry. I decided to use a website given to me by Mr. Miller called 10,000 Words. This is a blog about blogs, journalism, social networking, and more. I can't say I found this blog on my own, but it has been helpful.
A blog I came across was the 10 Ugly Truths About Modern Journalism which is about the changes in journalism from what it once was. A certain point that I get out of it is that there is too much information out there for journalists to use. 10 years ago, journalists didn't have all the reference books and information they needed right in front of them like it is for us today. The job doesn't require as much effort because now, journalists can sit in front of their computer and get information right then and there. One of the bullets on that blog mentioned how journalists use Wikipedia all the time now. I personally feel like the computer is taking over so much of this occupation. It worries me that even now almost everything is done over the computer and what the job will be like in 10 years.
Another point is made that journalists are doing more than just dedicating themselves to one story. Ten years ago, pink slips weren't being tossed around like they are today, so modern journalists are getting worried by having side blogs and writing books. These journalists aren't spending as much time on their certain assignment and are scrambling to do more.
One of the points is one that I can easily relate to. It is about how entertainment news is viewed more than the serious news articles. I wish I wasn't like this, but I always read the stupid, pointless, and exaggerated news articles about what's going on in Hollywood. I worry myself because I know that this is what other girls my age are doing around the country and I think CNN news is more important. Don't get me wrong, I will check CNN from time to time, but I will always check People Magazine. Anyways, this point leads to my next which is about "writing news articles that sell." Basically I view this as what InTouch, US Weekly, and People Magazine do every week for their cover story. They will write a huge headline on the cover that will get people to buy the magazine. If they put an article about how Kate kicked John out of the house, it will most likely sell. Whether it's true or not, these magazines just want to make money.
I think it's cool that there is news on the news. The news is how we get our information on breaking news and current events. I think it's awesome how blogs are trying to save the Newspaper industry... as weird as it sounds. The internet itself is taking over how we do things in our everyday lives, and one of them is the way we get the latest news. If I want to read about the death of Patrick Swayze, isn't it easier to go on a magazine website instead of waiting to buy the magazine? Things like this are killing the printing industry and everything is going digital. I hope newspapers are still going to be running in the future and that the internet doesn't take over everything. I know I don't want to stare at a computer screen all day!
Bing Miller added News sites
12 years ago